χώρα Staat country pays Relazione tra Badminton Player e Badminton Player Relation between Badminton Player and Badminton Player links to Badminton Player 100.0 a relatively large and permanent settlement, particularly a large urban settlement city cité Relazione tra Badminton Player e Sport links to Sport Relation between Badminton Player and Sport Relation between Badminton Player and Country Relazione tra Badminton Player e Country links to Country Person person pessoa personne event évènement A sport is commonly defined as an organized, competitive, and skillful physical activity. sport sport Relation between Badminton Player and City Relazione tra Badminton Player e City links to City Valentina Presutti Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese To model the core knowledge needed to describe a BadmintonPlayer An encyclopedic knowledge pattern (EKP) identifying the core knowledge that describes a BadmintonPlayer Aldo Gangemi olympics Jeux Olympiques badminton player joueur de badminton Relazione tra Badminton Player e Olympics links to Olympics Relation between Badminton Player and Olympics lugar place lieu περιοχή activity Aktivität activité