Relazione tra Nerve e Disease Relation between Nerve and Disease links to Disease Aldo Gangemi An encyclopedic knowledge pattern (EKP) identifying the core knowledge that describes a Nerve Valentina Presutti To model the core knowledge needed to describe a Nerve Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese 50.0 artère artery Arterie brain cerveau links to Muscle Relazione tra Nerve e Muscle Relation between Nerve and Muscle 41.67 disease maladie links to Nerve Relazione tra Nerve e Nerve Relation between Nerve and Nerve Relazione tra Nerve e Brain Relation between Nerve and Brain links to Brain 8.33 100.0 Relazione tra Nerve e Bone Relation between Nerve and Bone links to Bone anatomical structure structure anatomique muscle muscle nerve nerf os Knochen bone Relazione tra Nerve e Artery Relation between Nerve and Artery links to Artery