50.0 Women's Tennis Association tournament Tournoi de la Women's Tennis Association A group of sports teams or person that compete against each other in tennis. ligue de tennis tennis league links to Administrative Region Relation between Tennis Player and Administrative Region Relazione tra Tennis Player e Administrative Region personne pessoa person Person Relazione tra Tennis Player e Sport links to Sport Relation between Tennis Player and Sport Relation between Tennis Player and Womens Tennis Association Tournament Relazione tra Tennis Player e Womens Tennis Association Tournament links to Womens Tennis Association Tournament Relazione tra Tennis Player e Tennis League links to Tennis League Relation between Tennis Player and Tennis League An encyclopedic knowledge pattern (EKP) identifying the core knowledge that describes a TennisPlayer Aldo Gangemi To model the core knowledge needed to describe a TennisPlayer Valentina Presutti Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese organisation Organisation organisation organização περιοχή lieu place lugar administrative region région administrative 8.33 50.0 activité Aktivität activity Relation between Tennis Player and Country Relazione tra Tennis Player e Country links to Country 41.67 pays country Staat χώρα tennis player joueur de tennis 80.0 a relatively large and permanent settlement, particularly a large urban settlement cité city links to Town Relation between Tennis Player and Town Relazione tra Tennis Player e Town 100.0 event évènement A sport is commonly defined as an organized, competitive, and skillful physical activity. sport sport Relazione tra Tennis Player e City Relation between Tennis Player and City links to City a settlement ranging from a few hundred to several thousand (occasionally hundreds of thousands). The precise meaning varies between countries and is not always a matter of legal definition. Usually, a town is thought of as larger than a village but smaller than a city, though there are exceptions to this rule. town ville 20.0 50.0 Relazione tra Tennis Player e Tennis Player Relation between Tennis Player and Tennis Player links to Tennis Player