artère artery Arterie 44 cerveau brain disease maladie 31 2 47 5 muscle muscle 15 5 1 5 6 1 Relazione tra Anatomical Structure e Muscle Relation between Anatomical Structure and Muscle has Muscle Aldo Gangemi Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese Valentina Presutti AnatomicalStructure Encyclopedic Knowledge Pattern To represent the encyclopedic knowledge expressed by an object typed as AnatomicalStructure 3 2 Relazione tra Anatomical Structure e Bone has Bone Relation between Anatomical Structure and Bone 3 5 2 Relazione tra Anatomical Structure e Nerve Relation between Anatomical Structure and Nerve has Nerve 3 6 7 1 Relazione tra Anatomical Structure e Anatomical Structure has Anatomical Structure Relation between Anatomical Structure and Anatomical Structure 4 Relation between Anatomical Structure and Artery Relazione tra Anatomical Structure e Artery has Artery has Vein Relazione tra Anatomical Structure e Vein Relation between Anatomical Structure and Vein 3 4 5 4 1 15 veine vein 8 Relazione tra Anatomical Structure e Disease has Disease Relation between Anatomical Structure and Disease 31 3 8 Relation between Anatomical Structure and Brain has Brain Relazione tra Anatomical Structure e Brain anatomical structure structure anatomique 2 nerve nerf os bone Knochen 9 1