Exton-Smith Scale Ontology How was the condition of patient at a certain time? Was it Bad, Poor, Fair or Good? How was the mental state of a patient at a certain time? Was it Stuporosous, Confused, Apathetic or Alert? Which is the range of ESS scores associated with the high/medium/low risk of sores? Which is the score associated with a patient activity level? Which is the score associated with a patient condition? Which is the score associated with a patient mental state? Which is the score associated with the patient incontinence level? Which is the score associated with the patient mobility? Which was the patient's activity level at a certain time? Did s/he stay in the bed all the day? Did s/he need of a chairfast? Did s/he walk with help? Or, was s/he ambulant? Which was the patient's incontinence level at a certain time? Was s/he double incontinent? Was s/he usually incontinent of urine? Was s/he occasionally incontinent? Or, wasn't s/he incontinent? Which was the patient's mobility in bed at a certain time? Was s/he immobile, very limited, slightly limited, or full? Which was the patient's score at the exton-smith scale (ESS) at a certain time? To represent the Exton-Smith Scale (ESS). It associates an ESS assessment with the found condition. has condition has pressure sores risk The Activity (e.g. in bed all day, chairfast etc.) of a patient as intended in the Exton-Smith Scale. Activity An action aiming at assessing the Exton-Smith Scale for a patient. Exton-Smith Scale (ESS) Assessment The incontinence (e.g. doubly incontinent, usually of urine etc.) of a patient as intended in the Exton-Smith Scale. Incontinence The Mental State (e.g. confused, alert etc.) of a patient as intended in the Exton-Smith Scale. Mental state The mobility in bed (e.g. immobile, very limited etc) of a patient as intended in the Exton-Smith Scale. Mobility in bed Patient condition The general condition (e.g. bad, good, fair etc) of a patient as intended in the Exton-Smith Scale. Patient general condition A risk (e.g. high, medium etc.) of pressure sores. Pressure sores risk